Paul Kanterman
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Recent activity by Paul Kanterman-
Connector Improvement: Schedule Option for On-demand Sync Only
AnsweredThe least frequent schedule available is "every 24 hours." I'm looking to have an "on-demand sync" option added. For many of my Sharepoint folder syncs, I receive the data weekly. My process is:...
Transformations: Update Fivetran Log Quickstart models to use FIVETRAN_PLATFORM...
CompletedThe quickstart models for the fivetran log database are still using the legacy FIVETRAN_LOG prefix for the models, rather than FIVETRAN_PLATFORM. These should be updated to generate FIVETRAN_PLATFO...
Other: Fivetran API Collection in Postman
CompletedTo support my meager API skills, I use Postman for basic API queries.It would be great if there was a Fivetran collection that had sample queries we can use to access your Rest API. Is this feasible?
Connector Improvement: Netsuite 2 non-incremental tables - increase sync to 4x each day.
The Netsuite2 nexttransactionlinelink table is non-incremental and syncs twice a day. The problem is that it is syncing at 6am/pm EDT. This results in us getting, in practice, no syncs during our...
Connector Improvement: Netsuite2 nexttransactionlinelink Change to incremental
The nexttransactionlinelink table is currently defined as non-incremental sync. However, it does have a last_modified_date column and key columns defined. Queries against the table have shown that...
Connector Improvement: Netsuite 2 Lookup Tables Should Not be Non-Incremental
Reviewing the schema, it seems that Netsuite2 lookup tables are noted as non-incrmental. However, many of these are critical when trying to use other tables, such as transaction_line. For example,...