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Connector Improvement: LinkedIn Ads Data Creative Name <> ID


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    Hi Ronan, 

    Please find more information below on how to find the creative name based on the type of creative. 

    For the creative types: followerjobspotlight and text_ad, the creative name is in the fields follower_headlinejobs_headlinespotlight_headline and text_ad_headline respectively.
    For creative type InMailContent, then table creative_history will have reference field to in_mail_content_history table that will contain the name of this creative

    Let me know if this still doesn't address your need.

    Hi Ronan Zhang, Calvin from the Product team here!

    Like you mentioned, LinkedIn Ads reporting tables contain an ID (creative ID, campaign ID, organization ID, etc.), which can be used to JOIN to their corresponding metadata table (ie. campaign_history, creative_history). The metadata tables will contain additional information such as 'name'.

    Let me know if this helps. If not, can you please point me to the specific reporting table you are looking at?

    Hi Calvin. What I'm looking for is a Name field in the creative_history table. Currently there isn't creative name in the metadata, so that's the blocker to match ad creative name to an ID.

    I wanted to bump this comment. I'm running into the same issue - name is not showing up in the creative meta table 

    Same issue here. Super important field and should be rather easy to add

    Upvoting to request a column with "creative name" be added to the creative_history table

    Hello, we're having the same issue. This is a very important field for us to surface, especially now that video_ad_history is no longer being supported. Is there any progress on this topic?

    Upvoting this request.
    We need a column with "creative name" be added to the creative_history table.

    @shiva Is this available for any other creative types? Our most common type is sponsored_updates and there doesn't seem to be a field which looks to provide the names/headlines for those.


    Fore type = "SPONSORED_STATUS_UPDATE" where can we find the creative name? Is it possible to have creative name as a standard column in creative_history rather than requiring users to consolidate the naming from various columns/tables? 

    For the ~2/3 of type = Null in creative history, how do we find the ad name?

    Any updates on this? I still cant find the ad name for the linkedin ads creatives


    Please Reopen this thread

    Hi Connor & Caitlin - In reviewing the sponsored updates and sponsored status update creative types, I am unable to find an API that provide creative names for these creative types. Can you share any API docs where you see the creative names for these creative types?

    Hi, is there any update on this? For Sponsored Content we can't get a creative name which we need for reporting. I found this on stackoverflow where one of the commenters says he found a way to get Sponsored Content name from a LinkedIn ads API, but it's over a year old.

    Also we use Bizible as an attribution partner and they have ad names pulled in via their LinkedIn integration, so it's possible.



    Hi, checking in on this again. Would appreciate if someone could take a look at the stackoverflow link I posted in my last comment and see if you think that could work. Thank you!

    @Shivaprasad Mogili,

    Currently for us, we have 30+ different clients in our LinkedIn connector, and all of them have have entirely null columns for the items you have listed below.

    For what it's worth to all of the users that needs this functionality.. Our team has created a reference sheet where we export all of our creative names and IDs from platform, and utilize it in DBT (which we use for our transformations).

    If you're not using a transformation tool, you probably could manage to join those items together still in whatever viz tool you're using, assuming it has that functionality.

    The creative name doesn't look to be clear in the API information either, I've attached that link below. We may have to complain to Microsoft for this one as well.

    Create and Manage Creatives - LinkedIn | Microsoft Learn