Connector Improvement: Shopify dispute table
AnsweredShopify connector is missing a lot of data tables.
Please add to the Shopify connector the dispute table
Official comment
Hi all,
Thank you for expressing your interest in adding this data to the Shopify connecter. This has been in our backlog for a while and demand for this data has increased recently. We are busy with other improvements to the Shopify connector in Q1, but will be evaluating feasibility of this request in the coming weeks. Barring implementation blockers, we will put this at the top of the backlog for Q2 (starting May). We will keep you updated here.
Hi Erez, Calvin from the Product team here!
Thanks for this request. There's currently no timeline of when we will support this new table but I'll add it to the backlog and monitor demand to help with prioritization.
Has there been any progress towards adding a Disputes table to the Shopify schema?
Commenting three years after original post - any updates from Fivetran team on where this feature lives in the roadmap?
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