Connector Improvement: Load html files from S3 as raw into Snowflake
CompletedWe store files in S3 that are saved as .html as they contain markup to be embedded inside pages. We'd like to be able to load these files and store them as raw documents in Snowflake. HTML parsing is not necessary. The entire document can be loaded as text into a single column.
Official comment
Hi Jimmo, this is an old request but we do support html files in S3 now. The feature is in private preview. I'll reach out to you by email to check if you are still interested.
Thank you,
Parmeet -
Hi Jimmo,
Thank you for writing in with this improvement suggestion. Can you share a little more about how these .html snippets are created? I'd like to get a better sense as to how frequently this type of support would be useful.
Best regardsAlison
Hi Alison, thanks for reaching out
The html snip[pets are generated as part of our sales process. So each time a customer completes a purchase, part of their purchase documentation that is intended to be displayed on a browser when a customer reviews their purchase is stored as an .html file in S3. This can be several hundred a day. Its not a full html document, just a snippet with a few paragraph and list tags. We don't need to parse the document when its ingested, we just want Fivetran to have the option to load a .html file into a variant column in Snowflake. We can do any parsing or manipulation once in Snowflake.
Thank you for the additional information Jimmo.
We don't have this on our roadmap currently but will keep it in mind and see how many other people request/upvote it.
Best regards
Thanks for the update Alison
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