Other: Make destination public key available via API and Terraform
CompletedAs part of our infrastructure, we are using Fivetran's Terraform modules to create and manage our connections between Fivetran and all of our different data sources and destinations. To create an SSH tunnel, we need the public key generated for a Fivetran destination, but we cannot get this from any current Terraform data sources or resources since the creation of a Fivetran connector as a Terraform resource requires the connection details of the SSH bastion host which cannot be created without first knowing the Fivetran public key (we insert that key into the SSH config in AWS EC2 user data script).
Official comment
Hi Chris Rink,
Thanks for writing in! This is available as of v0.6.1 of our provider. But we're moving quickly and already on v0.6.7! You can keep an eye on things via our releases tab in Github or our changelog. Thank you for your feedback and keep it coming!
I agree, also for connectors.
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