Other: Confirmation Response for "DELETE" Request with Webhooks
When you delete a webhook with the Fivetran API currently you only get back a 204 response, which is sufficient, but I think the product would be better if it responded with a delete confirmation. Simple but would make it a bit more clear for automations and updates for anything programatic.
Official comment
Chase Cottle - good to see your name and thanks for engaging with our webhook feature! We're in the process of moving it to BETA. I'll work with engineering to see how easy this fix is and let you know timing if we prioritize it!
Hi Chase Cottle - returning any message together with 204 response code violates RFC 2616 which says
The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body
. We have two options here: violate RFC and return text message, or introduce breaking change and use 200 return code. What would you do if you were me and why? -
That's good to know I didn't know that :) I'm not the most advanced user but to me I think I'd rather see a 200 response, and probably a json body message as the response.
I don't think this is urgent or required but to me it'd be a little bit better to see a 200 and something like this:
"id" : {webhook_id}
"status" : "deleted"
"message" : "webhook was succesfully deleted"
Obviously reasonable to just build into systems to handle the 204, but that'd be my preference at least :)
Awesome - we'll keep this in the backlog for now and identify the path forward and let you know!
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