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New Connector: Azure Devops Source Control


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  • Official comment

    Hi Matthew - Thanks for submitting this feature request. 

    At this time we don't have an Azure Devops Connector planned however we will continue to track the demand for this connector. Every upvote and comment helps justify our commitment to building it. 

    In the meantime, you could check out using one of our cloud function connectors as an alternative. 


    With a huge amount of use cases for reports and Microsoft pushing more for Azure DevOps, I think this would be a great connector to add.

    Azure DevOps integration would be great!

    As we grow more in our use of DevOps the ability to pull information and roll up to leadership level initiatives becomes an increasingly common request. Would love to see this on the roadmap



    Azure DevOps support would be super useful.  Would be really useful to receive pipeline data too. 

    Hi - We have taken up this project of creating a new connector for Azure Devops. We will follow up here as we get closer to Private Preview. Thank you for your continued interest in this source connector request! 

    Would be happy to see a DevOps connector!

    Can't wait for this connector

    Hi all - we have completed this connector and it's now available in Private Preview. Those of you who have expressed interest in this connector here will be receiving an email to try out the connector in Private Preview. 

    Thanks for your patience!