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Connector Improvement: Please add Lead Ads / Leadgen support for the Facebook Ads connector


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    Hi all,

    Luke from the Product team here!

    I know many of you have waited a long time for this data. We've tried adding this data to our connector multiple times since Calvin first posted here. However, Facebook requires us to show a demo of how we’ll use this data to grant our app permission to access the data. We can’t show Facebook that until we have a customer willing to set up a connection using a system user token, grant the token the necessary permissions, and then provide us access to the connection so we can record a demo for Facebook.

    If anyone is interested in supporting us with this, here's what we need:

    1. Set up a Facebook Ads connection and use the System User Token option to authorize it.  

    2. Assign the following permissions to the token:

    • ads_management

    • leads_retrieval

    • pages_show_list

    • pages_read_engagement

    • pages_manage_ads

    • ads_reads

    • business_management

    3. Let me know here, or contact our support team when 1 and 2 are completed. Our support team will submit an access request to you via email. Once you approve that request, we'll be able to pull data from the Facebook Ads API on your behalf, and we can use that to create a demo for Facebook and get approval.

    Let me know if you're willing to help us out with this and if you have any questions. 


    Hi Ward Williams, Calvin from the Product team here!

    Jumping in here to say support for Facebook Leads data is planned for this quarter. I'll mark this request as 'complete' once we finish implementation.

    Calvin - Awesome; thanks for the update and looking forward to it! Can you please confirm that the new features will include the actual 'form' results from Leads that come in? I.e.: their FBIDs, email, phone, and also all the answers to the form questions (i.e.: the same fields that are in the downloadable CSVs that I showed a screenshot of)? Thanks!

    Providing a quick update here - we have outlined the steps required to implement this feature but will be unable to proceed until the first half of 2023 due to other priorities. I'll update here once we take this back up.

    Would also like to be notified of when this feature is added! Thanks.

    Is this still on the roadmap for the first half of 2023?

    Yes, we need this feature today but still not available. is the release date finalized?   

    does this still not work?

    For everyone wondering - you are able to sum up the leads data from the ACTIONS_LEAD column in the raw FiveTran data.

    please prioritize

    Hi, is there any update on this? 

    Been waiting on this one ever since we became a Fivetran customer. Would LOVE to have this feature.

    Update please!

    Any update on this connector? 

    For everyone wondering - this metric is already available. The column is called "ACTIONS_LEAD".

    Brittany Bugalski which table are you referring to? I'm not seeing this as a available column in our RAW data and I don't see it documented in Fivetran's ERD for the Facebook Ads connector.

    I spoke to support about this two days ago. Here is the response:

    I would like to confirm that, as of now, it is not possible to retrieve actual contact information (such as name, email, etc.) from the Facebook Ads connector, as highlighted in the community post you shared.
    However, I’m pleased to inform you that this feature is planned for implementation in Q2 of this year. While we don’t have an exact release date yet, we’re actively working towards making this enhancement available.