Other: Handling ordinal postition on pipelines between RDBMS
E.g.: When I sync data between PostgreSQL and Snowflake, I want to see mirrored ordinal positions.
Official comment
Thanks for your comment on our feature request portal, this is Kevin from the product team! Fivetran does not currently maintain column ordering between source and target during our sync processes.
Could you describe your use cases for requiring ordinal positions maintained? We often make changes to data types to optimize our syncs or maintain data integrity. If you can share how ordinal positions are impacting your usage of these connectors, I can follow up for more information.
I support this request. Data and metadata fields are getting mixed up. Makes difficult to navigate the field set.
I support this request. I have a use case where I have to commbine 3 SQL server database with identical stucture into one Snowflake schema. There are 132 tables in each database. Different fields ordinal positions makes my task more complex and time consuming.
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