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Notifications Improvement: Send notification to Slack channel


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  • Official comment
    Andrew Morse User

    Hi Everyone! We've officially launched the ability to send notifications to any email address. You can read up on how to use this in our documentation. Slack, and other messaging/incident management systems, accept email based messages so this should allow for better integration with these systems. We've also documented steps to integrate emails with these systems as well.

    I want to highlight a flaw in the Slack Email app recommendation.  If an organization enforces Single Sign On (i.e., we use OKTA as our SSO provider and the workspace is labeled as `SAML Only`). Then there is no way to activate the email user created specifically for alerting.  I can still forward the emails from my own account, but that feels like stacking hacks.

    Can we get an update on this? This is really important for us.

  • Andrew Morse User

    Hi Madhura Kshirsagar- Thanks for sharing this request. While we don't have a native Slack app right now, you can setup the Slack email app and mail forward notifications to get around this a bit. We are planning some major revamps to our notification system in 2021 to help users better manage their notifications. I'm not sure if a Slack app will be included but will add it to the backlog!

  • Andrew Morse User

    Hi Sandeep Kumar- We are not actively working on building a Slack app, however we are working on enabling better email integration designed specifically for third-party paging/collaboration systems like Slack. This would enable you to send error/task notifications for all or a subset of your connectors to any email address without setting them up as a user. Would this meet your needs? If not, I'd love to hear where it falls short.

    We're hoping to have something to beta test in the coming months, I'd love to include you in the beta if you'd be interested.

    I am here to add my vote to what others are saying.

    It would be great to have a better Slack integration option. However, it would be more flexible if you guys can enable an option to send an object's alert to its Owner.


    Is the feature of sending notifications to slack or any integrations for fivetran alerting available now ?


  • Andrew Morse User

    Hi amulya Nunna - We are releasing the ability to send email notifications to non-users in the coming weeks. 

    Hi, something change?, now is possible send notifications to Slack?

  • Andrew Morse User

    Felipe Rodrigues - We are anticipating releasing this before early next week. I will make a post here once it's out. To be clear, we are enabling the ability to send notifications to any email address which will make it easy to integrate Slack