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New Connector: Adyen

Not planned

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  • Official comment
    Fraser User

    We have customers successfully syncing Adyen data via the SFTP reports:

    Hi Gianluca, thanks for submitting this request! We don't have this planned at this time. We will continue to collect customer demand to justify the commitment to support & maintain a high-quality Fivetran connector. Every upvote on this request increases the case to build it.

  • Fraser User

    We've investigate Adyen APIs & it appears there is no way to export data apart from webhooks.  We can't build a functional connector given this lack of functionality.  We recommend connecting our webhooks to Adyen to capture notifications.

    Hi, We can't use webhooks currently because Adyen enforces authentication (maybe this can be skipped) and a specific response. See:

    The webhook only notifies about when a new report is available and provides a download link, so connecting the webhooks and sending them to Fivetran is only one part of the story!
    The other would be to then do the download of the file!

    It looks like the format of that URL might be consistent and one would only have to switch out the current date, so maybe pulling that file and checking if it's available might be an option?