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New Destination: Salesforce

Not planned

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  • Official comment
    Fraser User

    Great request!  Within Fivetran, we use our partner Census to sync data from our production Data Warehouse to Salesforce:

  • Alexa Maturana-Lowe User

    From Nikolay Voronchikhin

    We had a question on Salesforce as a destination.

    We noticed that this is not an option yet when creating a new destination. Is this slated to be on the roadmap?

    This is needed for the Salesforce CollaborationConnect account.

    The capability to sync data to Salesforce as a destination would be brilliant.  It would allow us to manage bi-directional data sharing from one service!

    The ability to sync data warehouse tables/views with custom Salesforce objects would be of great benefit.

    I am interested to use Salesforce as destination for data sync.

    Would be great  to use Salesforce as destination for data sync.
