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    Could I enquire as to the status of this feature request?

    I, too, am looking for an easy way to host our dbt docs behind a login.

  • Alexander User

    Improving Fivetran's capabilities around dbt docs and tracking artifacts is on our radar! What are some specific moments recently when you would have used this functionality? Your examples help us build the right way

    2 main cases in mind:

    I've been bringing a resource on a project and needed to explain how the data flows and is modeled. If I could just provide a URL tied to dbt docs for them to explore, that'd be ideal.

    When resources are working on analytics, being able to access the source definitions if helpful. given that fivetran manages the schemas of most sources, getting these automatically generated and accessible in a readable format is great.

    Would love to see this added to fivetran's dbt implamentation.

    I agree this would be helpful. In my case, someone else has set up the transformation already, and I would love to be able to explore it without pulling the entire repo down locally and jumping through other hoops. This would definitely be a nice feature.

    Yeah this would be great. At the moment we have to use some pretty convoluted methods to generate and serve docs (Github Actions, Netlify etc.) Given that Fivetran has all the dbt config in order to be able to run the transformations, it feels like adding Docs support would be the logical next step?

    This would be very useful to have! 

    would be a very useful feature - even just having a simple way to export the docs as a static webpage to S3  or some other external storage location would be very helpful

    +1 would love this feature. I need a quick and easy way to serve up the dbt yml files.

    This would be super helpful - even if not hosting the docs via fivetran, being able to push the /docs, /logs and /targets folders back to github would be very helpful.

    This is very useful, hopefully you can implement soon.


    The lack of this feature is what is preventing us from using Fivetran for dbt orchestration.

    So, I didn't know about this at first. Then, I created another feature request, which also has votes. That would be very useful for everyone using Transformations today.

    Thanks for sharing this document actually I was looking for it. I have a question- Is it Updated as it was posted 4 years of ago. Can I go with this?

    Hi Fivetran, any updates on this feature request? Echoing the trail of comments here, we'd love the ability for fivetran to host our dbt docs centrally versus deploying a silly workaround to generate & serve docs.