Other: API for retrieving user roles along with usernames in HVR
In an effort to improve our data pipeline's flexibility and manageability for provisioning HVR users, we need to be able to add new users with associated roles via Github action and in doing that we need an HVR API call for roles for the individual users. Currently it seems there is no such API. I created a ticket (#234334), and the development team confirmed there isn't an API currently for fetching users and their assigned roles.
There is /api/<version>/users (under User Config Interface; e.g. https://fivetran.com/docs/hvr6/rest-api/rest-api-reference/610/61036). Is that what you are looking for?
Alternatively, you can also use command line utility hvrhubconfig (https://fivetran.com/docs/hvr6/command-line-interface/command-reference/hvrhubconfig) with argument Access_List or All_User_Access (depending on your version) to get the list of users with the access in a JSON format. You can then parse this for current access.
Note command line utilities can be run on the hub server directly, as the OS user that owns the HVR installation, or you can use -R over REST (but of course from wherever you make the call you must have an HVR installation to have the utility).
Please let me know if this works for you.
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