Connector Improvement: Surface unshimmed_url in Facebook Pages Connector
CompletedThe unshimmed_url field is available via the Facebook Graph API explorer. However, this field is not avilable in the output of the Facebook Pages connector. We use this field to get fully resolved URLs to our own content. We would love for this field to be made available in the connector's output.
Official comment
Hi all,
Luke from the Product team here! We've added the unshummed_url field to our POST_ATTACHMENT_HISTORY table. You can view our changelog entry here. I've marked this feature request as completed.Cheers,
Luke -
Hi Alice,
Luke from the Product team here! Thanks for submitting this feature request.
What table are you expecting this field to be added to? Is it related to Post Attachments (POST_ATTACHMENT_HISTORY)? Here is our ERD for reference: Facebook Pages ERD.
Luke -
Hey! Yes, that's right – I think this would belong in POST_ATTACHMENT_HISTORY.
Thank you!
Hi Alice,
Thanks for confirming! I've added this to our backlog. We'll pick this up soon and I'll post another update when we're ready to roll it out.
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