Connector Improvement: Cast Salesforce Decimals to Doubles to Maintain Precision
CompletedFeature request: When ingested field from Salesforce is a Decimal Type, cast raw value returned by the API to Double instead of the Decimal precision indicated by the data type.
Salesforce supports Decimal(x,y) data types for their fields. However, it allows for higher precision than strictly allowed by the data type for those Decimal fields. Note that most of these fields are currency fields and are critical for billing reporting purposes.
For example, on the Salesforce UI, it will allow you to enter values like 0.082 for Decimal(16,2) fields. In short, even though an SObject Describe call says the object can only have 2 digits after the decimal point, Salesforce will store and provide higher precision.
When Fivetran ingests for Decimal fields like the one above, the precision is reduced to 2 digits after the decimal point. This is not the case with any of our custom-code ingestions pulling data from Salesforce.
Official comment
Hi all,
An update here: we have implemented this request to sync the raw currency values as returned by the Salesforce API instead of the rounded values based on UI configuration. We will be rolling this feature out to all customers slowly. If you would like to receive this feature sooner, please reach out to our support team.
Please see our release notes for more information:
Hi Navneet,
Sadie from the PM team here. Thank you for submitting this feature request. We have it in our Q1 backlog to start syncing these values as they are entered (and stored in your Salesforce database). You can expect this change within the next two months and you'll hear from us via email and here when it's ready.
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