New Connector: New connector for RefTab
We use RefTab for inventory management of medical devices in our company and would really value having a Fivetran connector to enable import of data into our data warehouse.
They seem to have comprehensive API docs and we would love to see a Fivetran connector that can import this data for us.
Many thanks,
Official comment
Hi Matt,
Thanks for submitting this request.
If you have a SaaS application that Fivetran doesn’t currently offer a connector for, our By Request program might be the right solution for you.
The By Request process allows you to request that Fivetran prioritize a new Lite connector that delivers an immediate business impact to your company. As a participant in this program, your team will have free, first access to the data during the build and validation phase. In exchange, you will provide us access to that connector's source as we build out the connector and full ERD.
If you're interested in working with us to build a lite connector please complete the Fivetran Lite Connector Request Form to submit your request. You can find more details about the program in our By Request documentation.
Once submitted, one of our Connector Consultants will review the request and follow up with you. We aim to take two weeks or less for this initial review.
Thank you for being a valued customer and happy data pipelining!
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