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Connector Improvement: Extract same data as shown in Google Search Console UI


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  • Official comment

    Hi Jimmy and Maddie, Drew from the Product Team here!

    Thanks for this request. We've done some internal discussions about how to solve for this and have decided that creating standard reports that copy the GSC UI would be the best strategy.

    We'll be looking at this as a project for prioritization in our Q4 starting in November.

    This would be highly appreciated by my team. We don't always want to zoom in on page-level trends and would like to understand how terms for our property as a whole are performing.

    Would request Fivetran Team to fix this issue ASAP

    Is there any update on this request?

    Hi Wei Wei,

    We've done some digging on our side and it appears that metrics tend to get calculated differently depending on the other metrics that are picked in a report (not an expected behavior). That said, our connector does match data when the UI report is configured exactly how our prebuilt reports are.

    To solve the issue, we are planning to provide users with the ability to create custom reports using the Google Search Console connector in a similar fashion to Google Ads or Facebook Ads. This should enable you to get exactly the data you want and match it exactly to your GSC UI.

    Updating status to planned.

    Drew, are you able to please share a query and GSC configurations that show matching results? Our business users don't trust the Fivetran data and this would go a long way to building that trust.