Other: Sync Detailed Logs - Provide record of which records were updated at the end of a sync operation
AnsweredPlease provide a means to audit which specific records were inserted/updated/deleted/etc... at the conclusion of a sync operation. This would help to provide a close approximation of idempotency and make downstream tasks cleaner.
Official comment
Hey Jeff, thanks for reaching out! What would be an ideal auditing mechanism for your use case? Where have you seen the lack of this cause problems?
Yes, we need this as well.
As of September 27, 2022, Fivetran will not be able to provide exactly how many rows were soft deleted in each sync.
You can only get how many rows were inserted (named as REPLACED_OR_INSERTED in the Fivetran log) and how many were updated (named as UPDATED in the Fivetran log log) in each sync.
I have raised another feature request for this here: https://support.fivetran.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/9170030305943-Other-Detailed-Logs-for-Deletes-Provide-record-of-how-many-records-were-deleted-at-the-end-of-a-sync-operation
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