Connector Improvement: Twitter connector- Get follower count
Per another customer:
User uses the Twitter connector for getting information about the organic tweets, and would like additional metadata (such as the number of followers the user has).
This information is NOT available with Twitter Ads API as the "Account" entity in Ads API world is tied more with campaigns and serving the ads to a group of users associated to the account. That means in order to get user metadata, one will have to use Twitter API and not Twitter Ads API.
The use of the Ads API is also putting a restriction on the connector use where only those Twitter user IDs are supported which are linked with Twitter Ads accounts. If an ID/handle does not have active Twitter Ads account, the connector is failing to retrieve the data.
Nevertheles, the Analytics API Endpoint ( which the connector is currently using, seems to return the user ID for the tweet object as well (See table Tweet in Twitter Connector ERD). The same can be further exploited to obtain the user object for the given user id with the help of Twitter API v1.1 (not Ads API) - GET users/lookup. The user object returned by the API has all the necessary metadata including followers count. It can also be achieved with Twitter API 2.0 Preview - GET /2/users.
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