Connector Improvement: Airtable Schema Naming Convention
We are having some difficulty using Airtable as a Connector due to the its unique Fivetran schema naming convention.
In most other connectors, we find that these Fivetran schema naming conventions work out great. The Destinations we use are Postgres, which has a hard, 63-character limit for schema names/identifiers. We generate a 128-bit UUID for every Connector name to best ensure uniqueness. This has always fit well within that 63 char bound.
With Airtable Connectors' unique naming scheme, we've very easily surpassed the 63 limit, rendering those Connector instances useless. For each schema, Fivetran combines the Airtable base_id (16 chars + an '_'), the Connector name (~22 chars + an '_') and also the Airtable base_name. Using the convention, we are left with only 23 characters maximum for the Airtable base_name before exceeding the limit. This is very constricting, as we do not have permission to change Base names nor Fivetran Connector schemas.
In the short-term, we can try using smaller Connector names, but in our automated system, it is not easy to both shorten names and while maintaining connector name uniqueness.
Official comment
Hi Joe -
Thanks for submitting this feature request! This isn't something that we've looked into before, but I definitely understand the issue that you're running into.
I'll need to investigate this more deeply as it touches both the source as well as a destination limitation.
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