Other: Connector Improvement: Google Ads - Conversion Action and Campaign Bid Modifier
PlannedHey I need a help ( or more like an awareness )
I am using Fivetran to ingest Google Ads reports into the warehouse. But I couldn’t find these
I am using Fivetran to ingest Google Ads reports into the warehouse. But I couldn’t find these
- conversion_action and
- campaign_bid_modifier reports in Fivetran.
Am I searching it wrong or did Fivetran forget to add these basic reports to its environment?
Official comment
Hi Sunny,
Luke from the Product team here! Thanks for submitting this feature request.
We now support conversion_action as a custom report. You can read about it in our release notes here.
campaign_bid_modifier doesn't have date segmentation so we can't add it as a custom report. But we've added a project to our backlog to add this as a metadata table. I'll provide an update here once we begin development.
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